Sample Resolutions


Be it resolved that…

001. Advertising is the most effective means of providing consumer information.

002. Modern forms of advertising are more advantageous than detrimental to society.

003. The federal government more strictly regulate advertising in Canada.

004. Children’s television programming be free from commercial advertising.

005. The freedom of the mass media be curtailed.

006. Laws restricting freedom of expression be repealed.

007. Governing bodies be denied all powers of censorship.

008. Laws restricting pornography have no place in a democratic society.

009. The news media be held responsible for the accuracy of their reporting.

010. The federal government enact stringent legislation to curtail monopolies in the media.

011. The CBC be abolished.

012. Commercial radio and television be abolished.

013. Television is an invention to be regretted.

014. Television is the Opiate of the People.

015. Television is a wasteland.

016. Television dictates our way of life.

017. Television programming reflects public taste.

018. Television has a detrimental influence on education.

019. Mr. Bean [etc.] is detrimental to the healthy development of young minds.

021. The Canadian content of prime-time television be increased.

022. The CRTC take stronger measures to improve the quality of television programming in Canada.

023. Watching poorer quality TV shows induces acceptance of unreal values.

024. The news media contribute to violence in today’s society.

025. Television violence has an adverse effect on viewers.

026. Television encourages violent behavior in viewers.

027. Television violence is addictive.

028. The number of television shows involving crime and violence be reduced.

029. Sporting activities featuring violence and aggression be banned from all forms of media.


Be it resolved that…

030. Art is for the few.

031. Canadian governments increase their patronage of the Arts.

032. The salvation of our society lies in the Arts, not the Sciences.

033. Books are indispensable.

034. Comic books be banned.

035. The book is man’s noblest Creation.

036. Literature is essential to civilization.

037. Fairy tales are essential to modern society.

038. Fairy tales contribute to violence in society.

039. Studying anything written before 1900 is a waste of time.

040. Movies are better than ever.

041. Music is the mirror of society.

042. Rock music is destructive to civilization.

043. Modern music is superior to classical music.

044. Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.

045. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

046. The twentieth century has seen the deterioration of the ideals of Renaissance Man.

047. Affluence is destroying our civilization.

048. The values of North American civilization are artificial.

049. Western civilization is in a state of imminent and irreversible decay.

050. Today’s western society is immoral.

051. The development of western civilization allows us to conclude that Man’s existence is of greater benefit than detriment.

052. A man’s worth to society is proportionate to the amount of money he owes.

053. Never before has so much been owed by so many to so few.

054. Competition is beneficial to human well being.

055. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

056. The best things in life are free.

057. Affluence is destroying our civilization.

058. Big government is bad government.

059. The government impose greater controls on business.

060. The social welfare state has sapped individual initiative.


Be it resolved that…

061. Children are forced to grow up too soon.

062. Education causes unhappiness.

063. Democratic education has produced a generation of illiterates.

064. Literacy is declining in the western world.

065. Computer literacy replace the traditional three “R’s” in Canadian high schools.

066. Literature is essential to civilization.

067. Myths and legends have an important place in a good education.

068. The study of the classics is a waste of time.

069. Studying anything written before 1900 is a waste of time.

070. History teaches us nothing.

071. One’s vocabulary bears a positive relationship to one’s ability to think.

072. Slang serves a useful purpose in modern vocabulary.

073. Canadian students receive too much formal education.

074. School is not necessary beyond grade ________.

075. Current high school education is obsolete.

076. Today’s educational system is inadequate for the needs of today’s society.

077. The completion of high school does not qualify one to hold a job.

078. The present educational system be changed significantly to prepare students better for employment opportunities.

079. School standards be raised.

080. School examinations be abolished.

081. Students who receive an A+ average be excused from final examinations.

082. High marks are relatively meaningless.

083. Students be denied a credit if they are absent without explanation for 10% of the classes.

084. School attendance be optional.

085. A four-day school week is in the best interest of students.

086. The school system be reformed to take place twelve months of the year.

087. The federal government be given responsibility for education.

088. Students be given one day a month to pursue individual research and study.

089. High school students should have a greater voice in school administration.

090. The students’ council try all discipline cases involving students.

091. Strict discipline is the best way of raising children.

092. High schools in Canada are too permissive.

093. The strap be regularly employed as a means to enforce school discipline.

094. School uniforms be compulsory.

095. The Lord’s Prayer be said aloud at the beginning of each school day.

096. Government support be given to all accredited schools, whether public, private or separate.

097. Public and private [and separate] school systems be amalgamated.

098. A separate school system should be available for gifted students,

099. The present public school system discriminates against the gifted student.

100. Religion be taught in all public schools in the province.

101. Sex education be compulsory.

102. A course in etiquette be required for high school graduation.

103. Debating is the finest form of educational experience.

104. Credit be given to students for participation in extra-curricular activities.

105. All students in Grades 5 to 12 be required to participate in at least one extra-curricular activity.

106. Students be paid to attend school after Grade 10.

107. Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach.

108. Male teachers be required to wear suits and ties.

109. Teachers are overpaid.

110. There should be merit pay for teachers.

111. High school students evaluate their teachers at least once a year.

112. Tenured positions be abolished in favor of a merit system.

113. Certain groups, such as those convicted of drug offences, be prohibited from teaching inpublic schools.

114. Computerized teaching aids be banned from the classroom.

115. University admission be restricted to an intellectual elite.

116. Chastity be a requirement for university admission.

117. Universities demand an acceptable level of English language competency from applicants.

118. University tuition fees be abolished.

119. Canadian universities adopt Canadian-first hiring policies.


Be it resolved that…

120. The work ethic is obsolete.

121. The government enact right-to-work legislation.

122. The employment insurance system be abolished.

123. The federal government provide jobs to all those who are unemployed and want to work.

124. There be a guaranteed annual income.

125. Nobody should be able to earn more than $100,000.00 per year.

126. The working days be staggered.

127. A four-day work week is in the interests of Canadians.

128. The Canadian government require all Canadians to retire at age 65.

129. The Queen should be replaced as Canadian Head of State.

130. The monarchy is desirable and necessary to Canada.

131. The Canadian Senate be reformed.

132. A minority government is the most productive form of government.

133. Thee federal government’s legislative authority be significantly reduced.

134. Political power be decentralized in Canada.

135. The Canadian confederation be dismantled.

136. The federal government grant provincial status to the Yukon Territory.

137. Provincial governments be abolished.

138. The Maritime Provinces be amalgamated to form a single province.

139. Municipal levels of government be abolished.

140. Urban and regional zones replace the provinces of Canada.

141. Ottawa be made a separate political jurisdiction.

142. Canada adopt a system of city-states.

143. Measures be taken to reduce the migration of rural populations to large cities.

144. Measures should be taken to increase public involvement in the political process.

145. Campaigns for public office be financed entirely by the taxpayer.

146. Canadians be fined for failing to vote.

147. Canada adopt a single transferable ballot in elections.

148. The present electoral system be replaced by one based on proportional representation.

149. The voting system be reformed to give preference to voters according to their education and qualifications.

150. An official recall system be instituted to hold elected representatives accountable.

151. Separatist parties be made illegal in Canada.

152. Western separatism is a solution to western Canadian problems.

153. The interests of our province would be better served by secession from Canada.

154. The best way to meet the separatist threat would be to make ______ the Prime Minister of Canada.

155. The jury system be abolished in Canada

156. Canadian courts play a larger role in supervising government action.

157. Lawyers be prohibited from defending clients whom they believe to be guilty.

158. The present volume of legislation is necessary to deal justly with the different circumstances of those before the law.

159. This century has seen the demise of common law.

160. Major changes be made in the provincial legal aid plan.

161. Poverty is more of an occasion and provocation of crime than wealth.

162. Crime does pay.

163. The truth will out.

164. Fear is a positive emotion.

165. Capital punishment is a better deterrent to murder than imprisonment.

166. The death penalty be resurrected for [name particular crime, such as terrorism].

167. Convicted murderers be hanged without recourse to appeal.

168. The federal government significantly increase the penalties under the Criminal Code.

169. Canada adopt a more restrictive system of parole.

170. The rights of defendants in criminal proceedings be significantly curtailed.

171. Police powers be enlarged.

172. The rising tide of crime and violence calls for more emphasis on police protection and less emphasis on civil liberties.

173. Electronic surveillance systems administered by licensed police agents are a justified means of protecting the public.

174. Any national police force charged with the responsibility for national security must break the law to carry out its duties effectively.

175. Compensation for emotional distress be paid to parents who lose a child as a result of violent crime.

176. Laws restricting abortion in Canada be reviewed.

177. Euthanasia be legalized.

178. Euthanasia is morally justified.

179. The sale of marijuana take place under government regulation

180. Marijuana is a dangerous drug.

181. The federal government permit the use of heroin in the treatment of cancer.

182. Public nudity be permitted.

183. Laws restricting pornography be repealed.

184. Laws restricting freedom of expression have no place in a democratic society.

185. Prostitution be legalized.

186. Canadian divorce laws be reformed.

187. Canada enact more stringent gun control legislation.

188. Airline skyjacking be punished by life imprisonment

189. More stringent laws be enacted to combat terrorism

190. Drinking alcohol be prohibited

191. Gossip be made illegal.

192. The Young Offenders Act is in the best interest of young Canadians.

193. Law enforcement is biased against the young.

194. Young Offenders be tried in open court.


Be it resolved that…

195. The institution of marriage is obsolete.

196. Marriage be prohibited before age twenty.

197. Girls should help pay (or share) the cost of a date.

198. A teenage girl has more to gain from marriage than a teenage boy.

199. Chastity is outdated.

200. Sex is an outmoded form of communication.

201. The family is an outmoded institution.

202. Families be restricted to one car.

203. “Frailty, thy name is Woman.”

204. A woman’s place is in the home.

205. Women are best (kept) barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

206. A man’s place is in the kitchen.

207. Women make the best men.

208. Men are clay and women make mugs of them.

209. Men need to be liberated.

210. Women priests can be of service to the Roman Catholic Church.

211. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

212. Love is a delusion.

213. Faint heart never won fair lady.

214. Gentlemen prefer blondes.

215. Real men change diapers.

216. Women have too much freedom in modern society.

217. The federal government take steps to better protect the rights of women.

218. Women should receive equal pay for equal work [or work of equal value.

219. Couples should be prevented from having more than two children.

220. The government should pay women to have children.

221. The federal government pay women for their work in raising a family.

222. The Women’s Liberation Movement was a waste of rime.

223. The female of the species is deadlier than the male.


Be it resolved that…

224. Human immortality is desirable

225. The world is a better place because of mankind’s presence.

226. Man is the noblest of beasts.

227. Man is mainly a product of his society.

228. Modem man is a wimp.

229. To be great is to be misunderstood.

230. There are no more heroes.

231. Hippiness is happiness.

232. Virtue is its own punishment.

233. You are what you wear.

234. Religion is the root of all evil.

235. Lord’s Prayer be said aloud at beginning of school.

236. The Billy Graham method of evangelism is necessary in our age.

237. The celebration of Christmas is too commercialized.

238. War toys be outlawed.

239. Tipping be abolished.

240. UFOs exist.

241. Money can buy happiness.

242. It would be desirable if we had the ability to read one another’s mind.

243. Daylight savings time is a beneficial institution.

244. If Russia did not exist, it would be necessary to invent her.

245. Honorable failure is preferable to dishonorable success.

246. Perfection is the enemy of Progress.

247. Beauty is a curse.

248. Ignorance is bliss.

249. The end justifies the means.

250. The hand that rocks the cradle wins the world.

251. Good fences make good neighbors.

252. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

253. Discretion is the better part of valor.

254. I am my brother’s keeper.

255. Variety is the spice of life.

256. The dog is man’s best friend.

257. What is good for the pocketbook is good for the heart.

258. The best things in life are free.

259. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

260. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

261. A man’s home is his castle.

262. Truth will out.

263. Only fools speak the truth.

264. Communism is evil.

265. Democracy is outmoded.

266. The utopian state is a dream.

267. Politics is an honorable profession.

268. Party politics is for people without principles.

269. In politics, principles ought to give way to pragmatism.

270. Politics is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to politicians.

271. Martial law is better than civil law,

272. Apathy is preferable to activism.

273. Violence for political purposes produces positive results.

274. Revolution is the most effective way to accomplish political change.

275. Corruption is inherent in every political System.

276. Political patronage is desirable in democratic societies

278. Every country has the government it deserves.

279. Poverty is but a state of mind.

280. Poverty is a greater evil to society than illiteracy.

281. Everyone should own a hat.

282. Kindness is a sign of weakness.

283. Gravity is a nuisance.

284. Virtue is its own reward.

285. Money is the root of all evil.