Examiner and Witness’s Jobs

Examiner’s Job

Be relevant to the topic:

  • Cannot demand a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but can frame the question in a way that is closed.
  • Can politely curtail response that is irrelevant, rambling or ‘stalling.’

A Moderator may be asked to address a witness who rambles and will not allow the examiner to do the cross-examination.

Do not browbeat, belittle, intimidate or make speeches.

*Penalty points may be detracted for arguing rather than questioning.

Questions should have a purpose.

  • Judges: Be patient to see the line of questioning.

Do not ask questions that are overly personal or designed to embarrass.

Witness’ Job

Answer.  Do not question.

Attempt to strengthen your own case.

You can clarify your answer.

Answer.  Remain composed and consistent.

Try to figure it out and stay consistent to your case.

Refusal to answer is a mistake; pointing out irrelevant or inappropriate  questions (while having some answer) is permissible.